• Question: why is poo brown

    Asked by banana1 to Callum, Gina, Katie, Michelle, Sam on 15 Nov 2012.
    • Photo: Michelle Linterman

      Michelle Linterman answered on 15 Nov 2012:

      Hi Banana1,

      Poo is brown because this is the way that we get rid of dead red blood cells (which make our blood red when they are alive). Each red blood cell lasts for about 100 days before it dies and needs to be replaced by new red blood cells.

      I hope this helps,

    • Photo: Callum Johnston

      Callum Johnston answered on 16 Nov 2012:

      Yeh like Michelle said it is due to the red blood cells. The cells are full of iron which is what makes them red, but the iron changes colour when it is oxidised and goes brown. Its the same as when an Iron gate goes rusty from being left out in the wind and rain, it becomes oxidised and turns a browny/orangey colour.
