• Question: What is the most common cell and what is it used for inside the human body

    Asked by tommycollings to Gina on 13 Nov 2012.
    • Photo: Gina Tse

      Gina Tse answered on 13 Nov 2012:

      That’s a very good question.

      The cells in the body belong to four groups; muscle, nervous, epithelial (skin), and connective. The largest group with the most cells is connective tissue. The connective tissue is responsible for connecting all the bits that make us human together; hence the name! Other functions of the connective tissue is protecting our organs and acting as a frame for our body.

      In terms of one specific cell being the most common, red blood cells (erythrocytes) are by far the most abundant. Red blood cells, as you might gather from the name gives our blood the red colour. These cells are responsible for collecting oxygen we breath into our lungs and delivering it all around our body.
