• Question: How fast is the speed of light

    Asked by masoodargiebargie to Sam, Michelle, Gina on 15 Nov 2012.
    • Photo: Gina Tse

      Gina Tse answered on 15 Nov 2012:

      299,792,458 metres per second
      so very fast!

    • Photo: Michelle Linterman

      Michelle Linterman answered on 15 Nov 2012:

      Gina is right, so fast!
      Light is 900,000 times faster than sound, and 28,743,284 times faster than Usain Bolt!

    • Photo: Sam Godfrey

      Sam Godfrey answered on 16 Nov 2012:

      To give you an idea of how fast that is, light could get all the way to Florida in just 0.02 seconds.
