• Question: how did earth evolove

    Asked by masoodargiebargie to Callum, Gina, Katie, Michelle, Sam on 15 Nov 2012.
    • Photo: Callum Johnston

      Callum Johnston answered on 15 Nov 2012:

      Well earth itself doesn’t evolve it just changes its structure over time. For something to evolve, like a cell, it needs to be better at a job than the other cells around it. The very first cells on earth would be very basic, but randomly one cell can get better at doing something, for example it can start making energy from light. This cell is more likely to survive in daylight than the other cells around it so it can replicate much faster. Evolution relies on these random changes making cells better at a job and over the billions of years since the first cells developed they have evolved into all the living things we have on earth now; plants, animals and humans!

    • Photo: Michelle Linterman

      Michelle Linterman answered on 15 Nov 2012:

      I’m not very good at astronomy, but It just so happens that my boyfriend is an astronomer, and he tells me that the solar system formed out of a large disk of gas and dust. The earth was one of the last planets to form, about 50 million years after the sun. The last major thing in the earths formation was a massive crash with another planet, the leftovers of this crash formed the moon. Which is why the outside of the moon is made of the same stuff as the outside of the earth.

      I hope this helps, let me know if you want to know more.

