• Question: How did the brain come to be

    Asked by eatslugs to Callum, Gina, Katie, Michelle, Sam on 16 Nov 2012.
    • Photo: Callum Johnston

      Callum Johnston answered on 16 Nov 2012:

      The human brain has developed over millions of years to become the most complex organ on the planet. And it’s all due to evolution, or the survival of the fittest, as it is sometimes known. The plants and animals which are best suited to their surroundings live long enough to produce their young. Having a brain is a big advantage when it comes to being able to find food and get away from predators so that is how brains probably began.

      The first brains were seen in animals like insects and worms and as evolution created new species slightly bigger brains developed in fish and amphibians. Then birds and reptiles become more sophisticated with parts of the brain becoming specialised to give them really good smell or vision. Mammals have the most advanced brains but humans is by far the best. Our brains have had to become all wrinkled and folded to fit more information in our little heads (imagine how much space a sponge takes up normally but if u squeeze and fold it you could fit a few sponges into the same area as the original). This means although we don’t have the biggest brain, it is very heavy compared to our body weight which is one of the reasons we are so clever.
